The Nigerian Traditional Architecture is not a widely discussed subject and over the years Search on Google produces the same picture that have been there for a while. The question is Do we as Nigerian Architects still Have our own style? and if we do, do we incorporate it into our Modern designs? or Probably we have left it all and have focused more on the European styles...
The Historical Style and Traditional Architecture
A basic distinction in Nigerian architecture can be made between the North and the South, and this is best pronounced by Traditional Architecture and Traditional Style. The strongest influences on indigenous architecture were the introduction of Islam into Northern Nigeria, the return of the ex-slaves from the Americas (especially Brazil), and colonization. The Historical Style consists of the European Trend followed by the Colonial Style. The Brazilian Trend evolved into the Brazilian Style while the North African Trend evolved into Sudanese Architecture. The blend of Traditional Architecture and Historical Styles formed Vernacular Architecture.
Before considering the historical influences, a mention should be made of antiquity. The Nok civilization developed in the central part of Nigeria’s
present territory between 500 BC and 200 BC. Possessing the knowledge of iron, these grassland people moved into the forest country (Clarke 1984) and that was when people “set up new homes” at Ife and other places. The Hausas were then a number of different people. Although knowledge of the achievements of the Nok civilization is wide it is difficult to imagine the form of their settlements. On the contrary knowledge of the architecture of the Middle Ages is rather extensive.(B.Ogunsote)
Before the introduction of modern European architecture and imported building materials, Nigerian traditional communities built their houses to meet their social, cultural and religious needs.
Building materials comprised manly mud, wood, stone, palm, grass and other appropriate vegetable materials.
Prior to and during the early part of European colonisation of Africa, the continent was referred to as the "Dark Continent" - a continent that had produced no 'Culture' and no 'civilisation.' This gener alisation, though unjustified, remained unchallenged for several centuries until European explor ers, traders and missionaries ventured into the heartland of Africa only to discover that Africa had achieved feats in several areas of human endeavour. One of such feats was in architecture. Claudia Zaslavsky revealed that in earlier centuries, European travellers were amazed when they entered African cities like Benin or the Asante Capital of Kumasi to find impressive architecture, well laid streets, and a cleanliness rare in their European towns (Zaslavsky, 1973). One of the earliest accounts was given by the Dutch explorer, Dr. at Olfert Dapper who in 1602, visited the royal Court of the Oba of Benin which he described as 'prodigious' and certainly as large as the town of Harlem, and entirely surrounded by a special wall. It is divided into many magnificent palaces, houses and apartments of the courtiers, and comprises beautiful and long square galleries, about as large as the Exchange at Amsterdam ... resting on wooden pillars, from top to bottom, cov ered with cast copper on which are engraved the pictures of their war exploits and battles, and are kept very clean (Dapper, 1906).
Accounts of palaces in Oyo, Kano, Bomo, llorin, among others, showed that the indigenous builders performed no mean feat both in the conception and execution of palace building and royal courts. Palaces occupied an important place in the community since the grandeur of the palace was a reflection of the political or religious prestige of the ruler.(
I am sure this topic of discussion is an open one, and one alot of people would like to contribute too, so please feel free to comment and send in your views, so we can publish them..Thanks
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